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WECC & Club 66 Handbook


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*login using the same ID & password 


Family Handbook


The Westside Early Childhood Center Family Handbook will acquaint you with the mission, philosophy, curriculum and policies of our programs. We hope it will give you a clear picture of what you and your children can expect while in our care.


Our program is designed with families in mind. We seek to form a partnership with you that promotes the learning and healthy development of your child. The foundation of our work with children begins with developmentally appropriate practice. This approach to teaching is grounded in the research on how young children develop and learn for effective early education and school age care.  All of our programs follow the guidelines of the Nebraska Department of Education, Early Education & Support Division.

  • What is the difference between Preschool & Four Year Old Program?
    Preschool - age 3 to 5 years old 2 day per week minimum attendance​ Full day or preschool ony (8:30 AM - 11:30 AM) Four Year Old Program Must be 4 years of age by July 31st​ Must attend 5 days (M-F, 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM)
  • What items do I need to bring for my learner?
    Water bottle, complete change of clothes including shoes, sunscreen, nap items (full day) *a complete supply list will be provided by the Site Director
  • Can I drop off my learner from the parking lot? Do I have to come in the building?
    For safety reasons, all children (including school agers), must be walked into the building and escorted to their classrooms by an adult or authorized caregiver.
  • How do I check in on my child during the day?
    You may call the center at any time to check on your child. Additionally, you may message the classroom teacher(s) using the Seesaw app. Seesaw is also used for posting pictures, vidoes, notes and private messaging.
  • How can I get involved at school?
    We love to partner with families and parents in our program. Each site offers unique family partnership opportunities. Family Advisory Committees are also established at each site, inquire with your Site Director for site specific opportunitites.
  • Can I change my child's schedule?
    Schedule changes are permitted with notice based on availability. Please see the Site Direcotr for schedule requests. Days can be added, but not switched within a week.
  • What does "Reserved Care" on the calendar mean?"
    Reserved care means that you must sign your child up to have care on the dates noted. If you do not need care on a reserved care date, you are not billed for that day.
  • Can I bring a cold lunch?
    Yes! All cold lunch items must be peanut/tree nut free and must meet nutritional guidelines. * See your Site Director for details
  • When are meals & snacks?
    Breakfast - 8:00-8:30 AM AM Snack - 10:00 AM Lunch 11:30 AM or 12:15 PM (depending on the classroom) PM Snack - 3:15 PM Club 66 PM Snack - Kindergarten - 6th grade - 3:30 PM Breakfast and Lunch Menus can be found on Mealviewer
  • Can you accommodate food allergies?
    Meal modifications can be made for learners who have a medical form on file stating the food/items to be avoided and acceptable substitutions. This form can be obtained from the Site Director and must have a physician's signature.
  • Can my child have some hot lunch and some cold lunch?
    Unfortunatley we are not able to serve components from both a hot and cold lunch. *If your child requires a meal accommodation, please see the Site Director for the appropriate form.
  • Can I bring in other outside food? special occassion treats?
    Outside foods should be avoided with the exception of pre-packaged, unopened, original container snack foods. Special occassion treats should be cleared by the classroom teacher/Site Director, must meet the quidelines above and be peanut/tree nut free.
  • What options do I have for making tuition payments?
    Cash, check, debit or credit card, DayCare Works Autopay
  • When are payments due and how do I know what I owe?
    Payment is due weekly and statements are viewable through the online Parent Portal through DayCare Works. OR you can view your balance on the Insite Family App available for download through your operating systems App store.
  • What if I qualify for Child Care Subsidy?
    You should contact your Site Director or Billing office and ask for the Site's Provider ID Number. This number can then be used to setup payments to your account. An additional Child Care Subsidy tuition agreement will need to be completed. Call the Billing Office (402) 408-8502 for more information
  • We are a dual household family, can we have seperate accounts?"
    Accounts are setup for each family regardless of the number of households a student may reside in. A child's account cannot be split between households. Information related to the child will be seen by all parents/guardian responsible.

The mission of the Westside Early Childhood and Before and After School Programs is to provide a safe, engaging educational environment for children ages eighteen months through sixth grade.   The program offers developmentally appropriate opportunities for children to grow and develop socially, emotionally, intellectually, and physically with the support and guidance of competent and compassionate adults.


Contact us: (402) 390-8207 I 9030 Western Ave. Omaha, NE 68114 




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